Popular Hadiths
Moving his lips in order to remember
Arabic No: 5
English No: 5
Regarding the explanation of the statement of Allāh: "Move not your tongue concerning [the Qur'ān to make haste therewith." [al-Qiyāmah 75:16, [Ibn 'Abbās said, "The Messenger of Allāh (may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) used to bear the revelation with great difficulty, and this was due to [constantly moving his lips. Ibn 'Abbās said, "I will move my lips for you, as the Messenger of Allāh (may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) used to move his." Sa'eed said, "I will move my lips, as I saw Ibn 'Abbās move his." Then, he moved his lips. [Ibn 'Abbās said, "So Allah revealed, 'Move not your tongue concerning [the Qur'ān to make haste therewith. Indeed, upon Us is its collection [in your heart and [to make possible its recitation. [al-Qiyāmah 75:16-17' i.e., He will gather it for you in your chest, and you will recite it. [As for the statement of Allāh, 'So when We have recited it [through Jibreel, then follow its recitation. [al-Qiyāmah 75:18' i.e., listen to it and be silent. [As for the statement of Allāh, 'Then upon Us is its clarification. [al-Qiyāmah 75:19' i.e., then it is for us [to ensure that you read it." [Ibn 'Abbās continued, "After that, when Jibreel would come, the Messenger of Allāh (may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), would listen. When [Jibreel would leave, the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) would read it, as it was read to him."

[See also: 4927, 4928, 4929, 5044, 7524
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